Jul 9
Raise the Roof for Gospel Swing
Brothers and sisters, the time has come for each and every one of you to decide whether you are going to swing, or whether you are gonna swing out! You must choose, brothers, you must choose, sisters. It takes five seconds, five seconds of decision. Five seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet. It takes five seconds to realize that it’s time to move. It’s time to get down with it! Brothers, sisters, it’s time to dance and we want to know, are you ready to dance?
Boston Swing Central welcome backs our master CD spinner, (Reverend for the evening) Joe Perrone and his pious sidekick, Brother Jay Provost for a night of Swing with a gospel kick! (Hey Jay, have you ever been called pious?) Yes, brothers and sisters, get down low on the downbeat and let your spirits soar on the upbeat to that rockin’ in the aisles of Church sorta feeling that is:
Gospel Swing!
Likely unnecessary (but we’re going to put it anyways) precautionary disclaimer: Boston Swing Central is a non-denominational organization which welcomes those of all beliefs, and we are solely dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the Lindy Hop).
Lesson: 8pm-9pm (included with admission)
Dancing: 9pm to 12pm
Admission: $10 (general), $8 (students and seniors with valid ID)
The Crosby Whistle Stop
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA 02129